Category Archives: E-Pamphlets

EMOTIONAL GENIUS: The Greening of Consciousness

the greening of consciousness
Many cultures and persons extol the importance of a high intelligence quotient (IQ). Very little focus or attention is directed to the equally important quality of emotional quotient (EQ). A person who has a very high ability to access, “juggle”, and appropriately articulate the array of emotions that present themselves continuously is truly an “emotional Continue Reading

Wholistic Healing Re-Treats

Holistic Retreats
I constantly strive to be at the leading edge in the fields that I practise (counselling, coaching and hypnotherapy) and one of the ways that I do this is to take seminars and experiential workshops at wholistic learning, healing and re-treat centres in Canada, the U.S. and Europe. Over the years, I have stayed at Continue Reading

Holotropic Breathwork

This fall I had the good fortune to participate in a one-week Breathwork Intensive at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in the Hudson River Valley at Rhinebeck, New York.  Their website is:  At this experiential event there was about a dozen top world leaders in the various practices of breathwork and in the psycho-neuro-biology Continue Reading

Giving and Receiving

Gift giving is an art form. For it to be meaningful it needs to be done with compassion, sensitivity and wisdom. Some cultures actually delay the opening of the gift and make a ritual ceremony out of the transferring of the unopened gift to the receiver. The surprise gleaned from receiving the contents of the Continue Reading