Category Archives: Counselling

The Unbroken Circle

Dear Howard, I didn’t have a chance to say good-bye to you, old buddy. I know that your pain made that impossible. I fervently wish that we might once again join in the unbroken circle. I miss you terribly, man. My heart is broken wide open for you. Although I backed away from you for Continue Reading

The Omega Point

Question: What do Alden and Dolores Jose, C.G. Jung, The Whirling Dervishes and the Sufis all agree upon? Answer: That there is a state of being called the Omega Point where the body, the mind, the conscious and the unconscious all meet.   Modern day Sufis and Dervishes have stated that of all the Western Continue Reading

The Jo-Hari Window

Blind Areas comprise behaviour that others can see but of which the individual is unaware. Hidden Areas comprise behaviour that the individual keeps to himself/herself. A decrease of the blind area occurs by the individual receiving feedback from others. A decrease of the hidden area occurs when the individual discloses himself/herself to others. (See dotted Continue Reading

The Ten Stages of the Recovery Process

EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERYYou will explore your past and present to discover the truth about yourself. RELATIONSHIP HISTORY/INVENTORYYou’ll examine and perhaps reset your personal boundaries. ADDICTION CONTROLYou’ll get a handle on your addictions and compulsions and take the first steps toward mastering them. LEAVING HOME AND SAYING GOOD-BYEYou’ll say the good-byes appropriate to healing. You may Continue Reading

Responding Vs. Manipulating

Whenever people are together, their actions or inactions will affect each other, and in this sense control always exists in a relationship. Nevertheless, there is a great difference between two people RESPONDING to each other and two people MANIPULATING each other – it is the difference between a dance and a struggle. RESPONDING I am Continue Reading