Are You on the Right Career Path?

Even if you’ve established a successful, lucrative career, the question may still enter your mind as to whether you’re happy or even satisfied with your decision. It’s difficult to know whether you’ve made the right decision for your career path. But when you find yourself constantly questioning your decisions and reflecting on other avenues that could make you happier, there are some methods that you can use to help you reflect on your decisions. Read on to learn some simple ways to determine if you’re on the right career path, and whether it may be time to make a change.
Do you dread going to work each day?
If getting up and going to work feels like a colossal task each and every day, then this is one of the first telltale signs that are screaming for you to make a change.
Do you enjoy the culture of the company and industry you’re in?
Every company and industry comes with a certain type of culture that encompasses it. Maybe it’s industry nights and lavish cocktails parties where you have to network and schmooze with clients on a regular basis, or maybe your industry is more laid back without any glam or perks to the job. Whatever it is, if you find yourself looking for a strategy or excuse to dodge and duck out of those industry events, or if you simply feel irritated or unsatisfied by the culture that surrounds your career, it could be time to make a switch.
Do you feel like you’re contributing to something?
An important factor for feeling fulfilled by your career is when you feel as though you are learning and growing, and above all, able to contribute to something. Whether it’s a new startup, or a marketing tactic – your opinion should matter. Feeling as though you’re not being heard, or that you’re not contributing to a cause or solution should be reason enough to begin searching for a company or industry that will value your opinion and assist you in growing.
Do you enjoy talking about your work beyond the office?
When you head home for the day, do you still enjoy talking about work-related projects? Or, do you prefer to shut down the conversations surrounding work and forget about it until you’re faced with your alarm clock the next morning?
Being on the right career path is, of course, about actually enjoying what it is that you spend most of your time doing. If you’ve been having questions about whether the career that you’re in is the right one for you, chances are that you already know what the answer is. But the actions that are necessary to make a change can seem extremely daunting. However, sticking with a job that leaves you unhappy or unsatisfied is a big deal since it’s what you spend a significant amount of your time doing.
If you feel as though you aren’t on the right career path, make the change that can truly enhance and improve your life. Ottawa Counselling Service can assist you in overcoming those hurdles that might be holding you back from switching your path.