Violent and Controlling Behaviours
The following are the more common forms of unacceptable behaviour that occur in a dysfunctional relationship.
Please check off each type of abuse that you have done in the past three months.
- _____ Slap, punch, grab, kick, choke, push, restrain, pull hair, pinch, bite.
- _____ Rape (use of force, threats or coercion to obtain sex).
- _____ Use of weapons, throwing things, keeping weapons around which frighten her/him.
- _____ Abuse of furniture, home furnishings, pets, destroying her/his possessions.
- _____ Intimidation (standing in the doorway during arguments, angry or threatening gestures, use of size to intimidate, standing over her/him, out-shouting, driving recklessly).
- _____ Threats (verbal or nonverbal, direct or indirect).
- _____ Harassment (uninvited visits or calls, following her/him around, checking up on her/him, embarrassing her/him in public, not leaving when asked).
- _____ Isolation (preventing or making it difficult for her/him to see or talk to friends, relatives or others).
- _____ Other – Please list.
- _____ Yelling, swearing, being lewd, raising your voice, using angry expressions or gestures.
- _____ Criticism (name-calling, swearing, mocking, put-downs, ridicule, accusations, blaming, use of trivializing words or gestures).
- _____ Pressure tactics (rushing her/him to make decisions, using guilt or accusations, sulking, threatening to withhold financial support, manipulating the children, abusing feelings).
- _____ Interrupting, changing topics, not listening, not responding, twisting her/his words.
- _____ Economic Coercion (withholding money, the car, or other resources; sabotaging her/his attempts to work).
- _____ Claiming “The Truth”, being the authority, defining her/his behaviour, using “logic”.
- _____ Lying, withholding information, infidelity.
- _____ Withholding help on childcare or housework; not doing your share, not following through on your agreements.
- _____ Emotional withholdings (not expressing feelings; not giving support or validation; not giving attention or compliments; not respecting her/his feelings, rights and opinions).
- _____ Not taking care of yourself (not asking for help or support from friends, abusing drugs or alcohol, being a “people-pleaser”).
- _____ Other forms of manipulation.