Dealing With Job Loss

Dealing with a major loss can bring about different emotions, depending on what the loss is. The loss of a loved one can bring sadness and despair, and the loss of a prized possession can cause frustration or anger. The loss of a job can be unpredictable in how it makes you feel.
Questions You Ask Yourself
If you find yourself in the position of unemployment due to loss of your job you may be asking yourself a lot of questions. Did I do something to cause my dismissal from the company and could it have been prevented? Was it simply a numbers game? Am I at fault in this situation? Or was I wrongfully dismissed and feel betrayed by the workplace I have been at for so many years? Each job loss situation is completely different, but each one brings about its own levels of stress.
The Effect on Your Family
For the main breadwinner of the house, it can be extremely detrimental to lose your main source of income. It’s all too easy to fall into depression as the bills begin to mount up around you and you feel the crushing weight of your situation day in and day out. But once you concede to depression, it is much harder to pull yourself out. This is the time in your life when constructive thinking and a proactive attitude is going to be your saving grace. It may be difficult to face all of the new obstacles that have been created due to your job loss, but dealing with them head on and early on will stop the compound effect and ultimately lead to your conquering your problems.
Talk to a Counsellor
It is often helpful to talk to someone outside of your inner circle when you feel overwhelmed or depressed. Taking healthy steps towards self-awareness and understanding of your situation will allow you to put the destructive emotions in your past and focus on how to move forward constructively. A few counselling sessions can really help bring to light what you are really feeling and help you find your motivation.
Dealing with job loss can be one of the hardest things to cope with, especially for those supporting a family. But with a strong support system and a constructive attitude, no hurdle is too difficult to overcome and no goal is unattainable. Do not fall into the trap of financial ruin and depression, consider counselling as a healthy option early on to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your family.